Serving the Greater New Orleans Area for 30+ Years ⚜️

110 James Dr W Suite 100

St Rose, LA 70087

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The Pros and Cons of Wet Room Bathrooms
Bathroom Remodeling

The Pros and Cons of Wet Room Bathrooms

Wet rooms are increasingly seen as an upscale, luxurious bathroom choice, turning ordinary bathrooms into fully waterproof spaces that merge sleek aesthetics with practical design. Originally crafted as a solution

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Timeless Bathroom Design Ideas
Bathroom Remodeling

Timeless Bathroom Design Ideas

The bathroom is undoubtedly one of the most frequented rooms in your home. It’s where you start your day, preparing for what’s ahead, and where you unwind at night. Therefore,

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How To Choose a Bathroom Vanity
Bathroom Remodeling

How To Choose a Bathroom Vanity

Choose a vanity that suits your style and space, whether it’s simple and relaxed or elegant and sophisticated. Our eight-step guide to buying a bathroom vanity will take you through

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The Pros and Cons of Granite Countertops
Kitchen Remodeling

The Pros and Cons of Granite Countertops

Beginner Guide To Granite countertops Granite countertops started appearing around 100 years ago. Back then, however, only the wealthy could afford them. It took about 50 years before the rest

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pros and cons of a kitchen island
Kitchen Remodeling

The Pros and Cons of a Kitchen Island

In the 1950s, kitchen islands became popular. The kitchen island is a freestanding space with appliances and storage that can be found in many homes. A large kitchen island is

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a farmhouse kitchen remodel in New Orleans
Kitchen Remodeling

What Comes First When Remodeling a Kitchen

Are you considering a kitchen remodel but unsure about when remodeling a kitchen, what comes first? You’re not alone. Many homeowners find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to

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