Serving the Greater New Orleans Area for 30+ Years ⚜️

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110 James Dr W Suite 100

St Rose, LA 70087

Solar panels on roof showcasing the small footprint of the panels on the roof

Prepare For Hurricane Season With Energy-Smart Home Improvements

Introduction: Here at Quillen Construction Company, we know that living on Louisiana’s Gulf Coast means you’ve got to be ready for hurricane season. But did you know that you can make your home safer from storms and save on energy bills too? We’re here to share some simple, energy-efficient improvements that can keep your home safe and snug, and your pocketbook happy.

Hurricane-Proof Windows and Doors: High winds and flying objects can harm your home during a hurricane. How about replacing your old windows and doors with tough, impact-resistant ones? These new additions don’t just shield your house, they’re great at keeping the cool air in and the hot air out, helping you save on energy bills.

Keeping the Weather Out: Living in our muggy Gulf Coast climate means your air conditioning is always working overtime. Let’s change that. By finding and sealing air leaks with weatherstripping and caulk, and adding insulation to your home, you can keep the cool air where it belongs, easing the strain on your A/C and lowering your energy use.

Cool Roofs and Reflective Coatings: Our summers can be real scorchers, and that can put pressure on your cooling system. A cool roof or reflective coating can be a game changer. These clever fixes keep out the sun’s heat, making your home cooler and reducing your A/C usage.

High-Performance HVAC Systems: A top-notch HVAC system is a must-have for comfort, especially during our Gulf Coast hurricane season. Upgrading to a high-efficiency model can make your home a cool haven, even when the power’s out, and save you a bundle on electricity bills.

Smart Thermostats: Want to control your home’s temperature from your phone? You can with a smart thermostat. This handy device helps keep your home comfortable and energy-efficient during hurricane season, whether you’re bunkering down at home or have to leave for a bit.

Energy-Wise Lighting: Light bulbs may seem small, but they can make a big difference to your energy usage. Try swapping your old bulbs for energy-efficient LEDs or CFLs. They last longer and use less electricity, so you save money.

Harnessing Solar Power: Our sunny Gulf Coast is perfect for solar power. Think about installing solar panels. They can give you clean, renewable energy, lower your dependence on the power grid, and keep your lights on during a hurricane-caused power outage.

Conclusion: For us folks on the Gulf Coast, preparing for hurricane season is just part of life. But, it’s also a chance to make energy-smart upgrades that help protect your home and your wallet all year round. And remember, the Quillen Construction team is here to assist you with any of these energy-efficient improvements.

Why wait? Start your energy-smart home improvements today. Contact us at (504) 800-4126 or online for a personalized consultation.